Tuesday, July 26, 2011

At Bsec We Empower women

Benefits of Educating Women and young Girls worldwide.

In the poorest countries of the world, gender inequality is reflected in lower enrolment, attainment and achievement, and higher wastage rates for girls. Education is a key part of strategies to improve individuals' well-being and societies' economic and social development.

Due to the undoubtedly positive impacts of female education, a somewhat instrumentalist view has emerged from the World Bank and some other aid donors regarding gender and education. Primary education is now seen as a particularly 'good investment' both generally and from a gender perspective. However, the factors militating against the education of young girls cover political, social and economic factors. While it is important that the economic and social benefits are highlighted, the key issue remains one of equity, namely that education must be recognised as a basic human right. Furthermore, it is important that women are not merely the 'objects' of policy but rather that they themselves become part of the process of transformation of not only education but social attitudes. Thus, investing in girl's education cannot be a 'quick fix' solution to economic and social problems, since any kind of progressive change will need to involve a long term process of political empowerment as well.

 Although great challenges remain. Many people — especially girls — are still excluded from education, and many more are enrolled in school but learning too little to prepare them for 21st-century job markets. In some countries, access to the secondary and higher education that helps create a skilled and knowledgeable labor force continues to be limited; even where access is not a problem, the quality of the education provided is often low. 

I say we educate the women and create a world of more knowledgeable women and better society.

In addition, the benefits of female education for women's empowerment and gender equality are broadly recognized:
  • As female education rises, fertility, population growth, and infant and child mortality fall and family health improves.
  • Increases in girls' secondary school enrollment are associated with increases in women's participation in the labor force and their contributions to household and national income.
  • Women's increased earning capacity, in turn, has a positive effect on child nutrition.
  • Children — especially daughters — of educated mothers are more likely to be enrolled in school and to have higher levels of educational attainment.
  • Educated women are more politically active and better informed about their legal rights and how to exercise them.
We are now offering a free education for women. Please contact us if you wish to learn more or just support our vision by volunteering your time thank you for reading this post. Please come back soon!.
A massage from Women Care Group101.

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