
Happy learning at Bsec!
Welcome To Big Success Education Center
Welcome to the Big Success Education Center website. Bsec is a quality American Standard learning center and is founded to assist the poor and the low income working parents who are interested to educate their children and those who wish to further pursue an English course or other administrative and skill training. We are located at the heart of the city. Located opposite the Asia-Europe Cooking Center Europe . Bsec believe the reason we receive a fast THUMBS-UP, from our fans are simply because we offer the best value for your money. Bsec is a friendly learning center that has friendly staffs and experienced Native speaking English teachers from all over the world including volunteers and professional khmer teachers.
Below is the information on our free education for the poor program.

Donate book, chairs, computer ,table, pencils etc.. to keep this vision alive!

Free Education For The Poor Program

The Women Care Group101 free education center for women and children hope to promote the personal growth and development of women in local communities irrespective of color religion or statues. The Organization will improve the overall livelihood of women by using education as a way of improving the lives of poor women the society at large. The Organization shall be teaching beginners English  language and beginners writing skills, computer and other courses. 

Program Description.
The Organization will be teaching the women and children standard education through utilization of eight (8-plus General awareness issues on health, climate, abuse, sex etc..) basic courses which are English, Math, Social Studies, Science, History, and Economics and computer course.Women Care Group101 will carry out a well disciplined program thereby women and children will be encouraged to learn basic hygiene during the course of their study. Textbooks and writing materials will be provided; there will be a minimum of two- four voluntary teachers. The learning period will begin in the morning from around 8am. There will be Short breaks that will be lasting for an hour. Overall duration of the teaching including break shall be 7 hours. Voluntary teachers shall work with each other as team.

Staff and Organizational Information and achievement
We hope to achieve this through our passion to help the poor women and The Big Success Education Center for the poor! Program is based on the latest research on effective reading instruction by teaching them the entire general curriculum we hope this will increase their reading speed and comprehension, which will help them obtain classroom subject proficiency. Our teachers are voluntary teachers and passionate and dedicated teams who believe that helping the poor makes life better! They are well mannered and well organized. Women Care Group101 believes in equal opportunity for all. Our teachers are from different Nationality who has one vision to teach the poor for free!

Methods and duration
The English course shall be the first followed by math before the rest of the courses durations of each course shall be 1 hour or more, additional minutes might be added when necessary.There will be a general meeting every last day of the month within the teaching days. Volunteers, women and children will be encouraged to participate in the meeting. All issues will be addressed at the meeting. 

Standardized reading and writing tests will be conducted at the start of the BigSuccess Education Center for the poor! program and again at the end of the school year to determine increases in reading speed and comprehension. However teachers will be testing students occasional and will be correcting errors to encourage learning efficiency.  Additionally, those students with ADD will be tested to determine increased reading attention rates.

Assignments and points
Assignments shall be giving at every last day of the week of the teaching days, the assignments will carry points and the best student shall be awarded with a good grade and gifts at the graduation. This is to encourage them to become active and take their studies more seriously.

Timeline Activities and expectancy
Expected Period to introduce improvement Test -1 MonthExpected Period to introduce Computer course – 3 Months Expected Period to introduce debate, essay and writing skills -6 MonthsTraining Session for Teachers – 2weeksExpected Period to introduce Student forum and seminar – 6 monthsTest Initial Reading Speed – 3 MonthsExpected Period to introduce English drama and play– 3 MonthsExpected Period to Prepare Results – 3 Months.

Goals & Objectives
Big Success Education Center for the poor! Project is to enable at risk students and students with learning and reading disabilities to improve their reading skills to the point where they can succeed in school and develop the reading skills that will prepare them for high school and post secondary education. Studies have shown that poor readers, who are reading at a grade level or more behind, are more likely to be disruptive in the classroom, truant from school, and at risk of dropping out of high school.

The main objectives Include:
 1. Providing a measurable increase in reading speed, comprehension, and reading attention span.The objective is that the students will double their reading speed and increase their reading skills by one to two grade levels by the end of the school year.

2. Enabling poor readers to access the general curriculum through the use of assistive reading technology to scan and read their textbooks and other classroom materials.

3. Providing learning disabled students with a multi-sensory reading alternative that will help them increase their reading speed to the point they can read on their own.

4. Helping learning and reading disabled students stay in their regular classroom with their peers, so they can continue learning in a least restrictive environment.

The objective is·        
       To establish library and reading rooms in needy communities.
       To create a healing learning centre for teenage girls about safe sex and unwanted pregnancy and abuse etc.·
       To help and generate training programme for self employment of women and educated unemployed people and to work for adult education.·       
      To educate the people for adoption of the good norms of a good citizenship and to teach the people the benefits of ideas of national unity.·     
      To make women become more entrepreneurs and enterprising in whatever they do.·       
      To improve their livelihood·        
      To empower women and young women through skill training.·        
      To educate women to be self conscious and fully aware of their right and privileges in the society·       
      To help the children become future leaders

Visit our Charity page or join our Women Fellowship Program
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